MIDWINTER REFLECTIONS ~ Liberty or License – The Rule of Law or Lawlessness

Why are we at this late date, as a country, having to define what true marriage is?

It is because we no longer understand how and why marriage was instituted. Since folks have to go to the state to get a marriage license, they think the right to marriage must come the state; from government—right? Wrong.

The trouble is “we’ve been having the wrong conversation about marriage in the world. At the core of the matter is the lie of choice. As “free,” “liberated,” autonomous beings we believe we should be able to do whatever we choose.

We confuse liberty and license.

This is a logical extension of Darwinian and “Saganian” philosophy. We are but a “pale  blue dot,” a small insignificant speck in the cosmos caused by chance then it follows that there is no purpose or meaning to life—so said Carl Sagan.

If that is the case then why are all of those who believe that, trying to convince those who do not believe it, that we should believe it?

I mean, if indeed life is meaningless, why try to impose your lack of meaning on other people’s lack of meaning who have a different lack of meaning than you? It’s all meaningless!

The truth is, at their core, nobody thinks their life is meaningless in a truly existential sense. It comes down to a matter of rebellion cloaked in the mantle of “choice” . . . our choice to “hook-up,” followed by our choice to murder a baby resultant of that choice; our choice to have queer sex, our choice to “marry” our queer partner.

Queer, now there is a word war. One of Encarta’s definitions characterizes “queer” as “an offensive term meaning gay.”

Yet the non-PC, term “queer,” really is the more definitive term. Which is why it offends queer men and women. But that’s all semantics.

Nevertheless it is the queers and their agenda that they shove down our throats that are offensive to the rest of normal society, yes, normal society. Nobody seems to worry if the majority are offended.

Indeed, God calls homosexuality an “abomination.” This abomination is the toxic fluid being sprayed on marriage and those who hold marriage as between a man and a woman.

While we’ve been debating about how to renovate marriage, we’ve been ignoring the fact that it is the “gay spray” is making, not only marriage sick, but our civilization en bloc.

What used to be nauseous to humankind is now slurped up like a dog’s vomit.

The real question is how to stop a small aberrant part of society from framing the argument and definition of marriage.

At least part of the answer is STOP BEING PC! Stop being afraid to tell the truth.

Fact: Marriage did not originate with man. Fact: Marriage was instituted by God.

That is the real reason the deviant elitists are spraying marriage with deadly toxins trying to kill it, because they deny God and they deny God exists.

That is a the heart of it.

Simply put they are fools in their hearts . . . and “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’ They are corrupt, doing abominable iniquity; there is none who does good.”Psalm 14:1; Psalm 53:1

And that is an end of it.

The Culture of Death and Our Towering Self-Regard

I’m still shaking my head at Wendy Davis — not that she lied about her biography (sometimes it seems as if every politician springs out of some kind of heroic narrative) — but that she, as a very young lawyer doing the simple, ordinary work that thousands of young lawyers do, conceded custody of her child on the grounds that “it’s not a good time for me right now” to be the custodial parent.

I’m also shaking my head at the president of the United States, speaking on the anniversary of the legalized killing of tens of millions of children, justifying this slaughter because it gives the former parents the ability to “fulfill their dreams.”

Our nation is awash in important people doing important things. We’ve got our TED Talkers, our policy wonks, our “masters of the universe” financiers, our silicon valley wiz kids, our athletes, our politicians (and their staffs), our actors — all of them running around thinking of themselves as “kind of a big deal.” The rest of us? Well, we can Lean In and be a big deal too.

This self-regard is hardly confined to the more liberal quarters of our culture. Spend much time at conservative events, and right alongside the humble folks who are doing what they can to advance causes that are good and true you’ll find the shameless self-promoters and the towering egos. “Don’t you know who I am?” is an implied message in many communications, and there is an unshakeable conviction by many that if only they were in charge — if only the conservative movement followed their advice – then we would be victorious. As I’ve written before, this arrogance underlies much of the vitriol between the Tea Party and the Establishment, which at its worst devolves into a war of the arrogant versus the arrogant, with both sides covering themselves in shame — even while pursuing a noble cause.

Here’s a news flash: It’s doubtful that a single person in politics or entertainment or finance today will be as important to the future of this nation as Seth Clark. Or Willard Pinkham. Or Warren Kendall.

They were three men from the 20th Maine Regiment. They each died on Little Round Top on July 2, 1863, and their stories are lost to history — leaving only the etchings on a monument. They stood, fought, and died — at a very young age — when Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia stood on the precipice of a victory that likely would have changed the course of American and world history. They never had a chance to lean in.

They changed the world. Good luck being important – no matter how many movies you make, filibusters you mount, TED talks you give, or even executive offices you occupy.

I bring up the 20th Maine because their monument’s silent witness helped change my life. Ten years ago, I had just left private legal practice, become the president of a small and wonderful nonprofit named FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education), and was — for the first time in my life — enjoying the heady experience of speaking engagements, calls from the press, and even a magazine profile or two. I started to think I was “kind of a big deal.”

Then, one afternoon after a speech at Gettysburg College, I walked the battlefield. When I came on the 20th Maine’s monument, I read the names and better grasped my true place in this world and this nation. I’m not a “big deal” at all, and I never will be.

In recent weeks there’s been a measure of controversy over Lone Survivor, including whether the deaths of those brave SEALs were “senseless.” It’s never “senseless” to lay down your life for your brother. Indeed, “greater love hath no man” than when he lays down his life for his friend. It is “senseless,” however, to kill children – or to leave them behind — for something as meaningless and empty as our “dream.”

I bring this up not because every person’s arrogance inevitably leads to abortion — of course not — but because arrogance plants within us the seeds that yield the bitter fruit of betrayal, abandonment, and corruption. By misjudging our place in the world, we invariably begin to careen into others, and the sin of pride corrupts all that we do.

How would our lives be different if we understood that we are never more important than our spouse? We are never more important than our children? We are never more important than our neighbor or brother? The culture of life — indeed, grace itself — begins with the denial of self, and unless we begin to deny self, we could overturn Roe and still not overcome abortion — much less the sins that separate us from God and man.

Reblogged from ACLJ article by David French

Out of Control Government Targets Little Sisters

Our out of control Robin Hood, government, and the socialist leadership preach about “helping the poor” and “saving the middle class” from the “rich.”

The trouble is — that is all a lie. Big government hurts EVERYBODY except the elites, the powerful politicians all because they think they are better than everyone else.

Who do they hurt? Here is one of the myriad groups they don’t care about.

Talk to Me Baby

Here is some extremely interesting information on new research on babies in their third trimester before birth. The socialist Democrats  call these babies fetal tissue.

However new intriguing new research just aborted that idea. Scientists from the University of Helsinki recently published their findings in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.

What are these fascinating findings? “They have found that babies in the third trimester were able to retain and recognize specific words. These unborn babies are, in fact, learning language while still in the womb.”

Mere “fetal tissue” could not, would not have no cognitive capabilities.

In order to test their hypothesis, the scientists gave expectant mothers a recording to play for their unborn babies in the last few months of pregnancy. The recording was meant to be played several times a week and it contained a false word created by the scientists repeated multiple times throughout the recording among other sounds and noises.

By the time the test was complete the baby had heard the phony word over 25,000 times prior to birth.

The final part of the test was an electroencephalogram (EEG) test given to the newborn baby. Their brain responses to the phony word “indicated they had developed a distinct memory of the word, they knew it.”

Sorry liberals, once again your worldview is proven specious and defective. When you support performing an abortive procedure or legislate to legalize abortion, especially an abortion in the third trimester, you are accomplices to murder!

Yes, Obama, that includes you!