The Church; the Final Transition


Where is the Church today in the flow of Scripture and the flow of history?  Is the Church in her final transition? If so, what does that mean?

The passing of age-to-age; epoch-to-epoch is marked by unequaled,   transformational events. These are “the divine method of action as major dispensational changes have been wrought—such changes [that] inaugurate and necessitate a whole new order and relationship between God and man.”[ii]

Recall that God took seven days to create the cosmos. There were seven features to the Noahic Covenant, seven attributes to the Abrahamic Covenant, seven features to the Palestinian (Land) Covenant, seven features to the Davidic covenant.

The last three of these covenants secure God’s eternal, unconditional promised “blessing for Israel through all time and eternity.”[iii]

“Seven stupendous age-transforming events [which] serve as a cleavage between the Mosaic age of law to “the present age of grace.”[iv] Nothing could be the same after them.

  1. The death of Christ
  2. The resurrection of Christ
  3. The ascension of Christ
  4. The advent of the Spirit at Pentecost
  5. The revelation of a new divine age and purpose (birth of the Church)
  6. The Jews and Gentiles equal entities of divine grace
  7. The dispersion of Israel over the earth.

There are also seven titanic, transcendent world-transforming prosecutions which progress through, and separate the intercalary age[v] or age of grace, and bring the age of the Gentiles to a final horrific end. These are:

  1. Christ’s taking the Church home to himself
  2. Seven years of tribulation
  3. The glorious jesusonwhitehorsereturn of Christ as Conqueror, Judge, and King
  4. The judgment of Israel
  5. Israel established in the Promised Land and the new covenant
  6. The judgement of the nations
  7. Satan bound during the 1,000 years of the Millennial Kingdom

There are yet another group of seven. These mark the transition between the Millennial Kingdom and eternity:

  1. Satan released from the abyss for the final battle
  2. The final rebellion of the nations with Satan leading
  3. The passing away of the old heaven and earth
  4. The Great White Throne judgment of the nations
  5. Creation of the New Heaven and a New Earth
  6. The descent of the New Jerusalem from heaven
  7. Christ’s surrenders his role as corporeal (earthly) intercessor

History is at an end.

Christ surrenders His intercessory earthly rule and is inaugurated into His eternal role as King of kings and Lord of lords—the Alpha and Omega.

[i] This article is excerpted from Lewis Sperry Chafer’s Systematic Theology, Vols. 7 &8, “The Eternal Kingdom of Christ Incarnate” (Grand Rapids; Kregel Publications/Dallas Theological Seminary).

[ii] Ibid., 350.

[iii] Ibid.,

[iv] Ibid.

[v] Church age

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